Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just felt like 'blogging'

I haven't updated in a while...oops!
I will probably get more stuff posted here eventually, but I am spending much of my time working on getting the portrait photography business Land of Wild Designs off the ground. I have lots of ideas and spend about 11-12 hours a day working on that, I sure hope it is successful! I've installed the new editing software and have been learning how to use it and am still using my old one as a supplemental feature. I am loving the way the pictures are turning out. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to take a look. I would love your input!

Zeke is living in the back yard once again. He is a sweet dog and has calmed down quite a bit since he became an old man - note the white muzzle - cute, huh? He was a little depressed at first missing Bubba - would cry for hours every day (starting around 10 am) and eventually he got into a little routine of his own. The cats are excited to see Zeke and everyone remembers each other, so that is cool. Max spends time with Zeke on the back-porch when I open the door wide enough for him to get out. ZeppLynn sits in the doorway and she & Zeke will touch noses, but she won't venture outside quite yet.
(my cell phone picture)
We got the grass back in the front yard and now we have a jungle of weeds. Will probably get out there and try to tame it one of these evenings. So much to do - that is for sure. The hedges were all over-grown when we got back and Mike trimmed them all. They are needing another hair-cut, so I will probably do that the evening I work on weeds - bleh. So, if you drive by & see me in the front yard sitting on my bottom pulling weeds - feel free to stop and say 'hey' I would love to hear from you :) (or call and chat - I have hours & hours of endless BORING weed pulling that keeps me in one place for a LONG time and will have plenty of time to chat - tee hee)

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