Monday, May 31, 2010

Arizona Sweet Home

Well, here we are...back in the land of SUNSHINE and heat.
Whose idea was it to move back here in the summertime?
we are happy to be back safe and sound and can't wait to get all settled in and back to a 'normal' life.
What to do-what to do-what to do?
Well, we have lots of organizing to do, yard work, unpacking, painting, plumbing, blah-blah-blah...
Our skin is really NOT prepared for the volume of sunshine we are getting, but I guess it works out well that all we have are long-sleeved shirts, ha!
(Add that to the list...must buy short-sleeved shirts.)
Now, what do I do with all this water-proof gear?
Where are the big trees & the rain?
This will take some adjustment.
The house is going to be lots of work, but we are keeping our chins up and our attitudes are good...I haven't been out taking pictures of anything yet, but plan to do that very soon. I will start posting pictures as soon as I get them taken.

For now, here are a few pictures of some wild-flowers that we got to see on the side of the road along the drive somewhere between Seattle & Globe. Also, here is a picture of all of us taking a break from unpacking boxes on the day we unloaded the U∙Haul. It is lovely getting to see friends & family and it is comforting to know that we are close to them again.

We will keep the Alaska Blog updated as we will be in & out of Juneau and hopefully have more exciting adventures to share with you.

Also, Becca is going to be starting a location portrait photography business named...

"Land of Wild Designs"

Wish us luck as we start this new chapter in our lives!

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